Opname van het webinar Trauma informed Care voor hulp aan jonge vluchtelingen

Het webinar biedt professionals informatie over wat zij kunnen verwachten als ze te maken krijgen met deze gezinnen. Naast informatie over trauma, stress en PTSS, geven de sprekers ook informatie over de cultuur en de gewoontes in Oekraïne op het gebied van zwangerschap en het opvoeden van jonge kinderen. Tevens wordt ingegaan op het ondersteunen van ouders.

Programma & tijden

0:00:00 Welkom door Louise van den Broek
0:03:54 Natasha Dobrova-Krol & Natalia Zagorodniuk
Geboortezorg en eerste jaren van kinderen in Oekraïne
0:22:18 Sasha Khvorosyenko
Ervaringen van een jong gezin onderweg naar veiligheid
0:45:23 Anna Kukuruza
Vroeginterventie in Oekraïne
1:09:10 Elisa van Ee
Getraumatiseerde ouders en hun jonge kinderen – risico’s en kansen
1:38:03 Trudy Mooren
Goed ouderschap in barre omstandigheden

Handouts in pdf
Natasha Dobrova | NL | En
Elisa van Ee | NL | En
Trudy Mooren | NL | En

Recordings of Webinar: Trauma informed care in times of stressful situations

This webinar was specifically aimed at healthcare providers in Ukraine who work with pregnant women and young children. However, it is of interest to all professionals who want to know more about trauma-sensitive care in times of stress and disaster.  It was an initiative of Vakblad Vroeg and IMH Nederland. All speakers participated for free.

  • Resilience with young children and their families – Naomi Vandamme
    recording starts at 19.50 minutes  / Handouts | Eng | Ukr
  • Pregnancy in stressful situations – Simone van Leipsig-Beekman
    recording starts at 45.00 minutes / Handouts | Eng | Ukr
  • Child feeding in difficult situations – Myrte van Lonkhuijsen
    recording starts at 1hr.13 minutes / Handouts | Eng | Ukr
  • Promoting play as resilience factor – Eveline Groothoff
    recording starts at 1hr.35 minutes / Handouts | Eng | Ukr

Request: We want to draw the attention of as many professionals as possible to this webinar: so feel free to share!

Self-help techniques to help cope with stress

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress. This is an illustrated stress management guide for coping with adversity. The guide aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress. A few minutes each day are enough to practice the self-help techniques. The guide can be used alone or with the accompanying audio exercises. Informed by evidence and extensive field testing, the guide is for anyone who experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances.

The guide is available in different languages including Ukrainian

By understanding how children experience traumatic events and how these children express their lingering distress over the experience, parents, physicians, communities, and schools can respond to their children and help them through this challenging time. The goal is to restore balance to these children’s lives and the lives of their families.

Online Kindergarten for Ukranian children

UNICEF together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, have launched an online kindergarten featuring educational and developmental videos for children aged 3-6. The project aims to help parents engage their children in educational and developmental activities thus providing them with a semblance of normality during the war.
The online kindergarten is part of the NUMO project – a platform which features useful tips, interesting exercises and games, helping preschoolers learn important skills for further development and prevent them from losing the skills they have already acquired. The first episode is available on the MEGOGO video platform, as well as on the digital platforms of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and UNICEF.
To view the first episode of the NUMO online kindergarten on MEGOGO, please click here: https://megogo.net/ua/view/18037755
New episodes will be uploaded daily. The video is also available on the UNICEF YouTube channel https://youtu.be/t6iN1uGYeV8

Feeding children under 2 years in emergency situations

What to do if you are in an emergency situation with a child in your arms, how to organize feeding and keep the baby safe? The first thing to remember is that breastfed babies should continue to receive breast milk. Stressful situations do not affect milk production. Milk quality does not change due to anxiety, panic or stress. Only in rare cases, the ability to lactate can be temporary affected, stress and danger can slow down the flow of milk. Continuing to breastfeed as often as possible will increase this flow. Frequent breastfeeding ensures the production of the required amount of breast milk.
Do not start giving your baby a pacifier, bottle or formula if you have not done this before. Read on >>

Online psychological help for families 

If you need professional mental health care, you can contact a registered psychologist with specialization on pregnancy and young children and families from the Netherlands.
Wereld Psychologen is a foundation from the Netherlands that offers free mental health care through (video) calling. Confidentiality is their top priority. If you are interested, you can send an email with your name and mobile number to wereldpsychologen@gmail.com

The World Psychologists Foundation links Ukrainian refugees in psychological distress to psychologists who offer voluntary support.

What parents and carers can do to help preschoolers after a traumatic event

Preschoolers do not understand what has gone wrong but are very sensitive to things not being right. They will struggle to express their fears or thoughts and will show this through changes in behavior and how they function. They will need assistance to make them feel safe and to help them understand the experience. Better health channel Australia explains and helps to cope with the changes in your child’s behavior from 2 – 5 years.

Sesamestreet in Communities – great help for regulating toddlers

When a child endures a traumatic experience, parents feel the impact. Adults however, hold the power to ameliorate the effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and resilience-building techniques, and being with adults who know about the possible effects of such life-altering experiences. 

Traumatic Experiences | Sesame Street in Communities helps parents to support their kids with (psycho)education and suggests mental exercises to perform with their child. If you don’t speak English, no worries. Youtube offers subtitles: you can adjust the settings with the wheel.

  1. What parents and family can do: Explanation what to do as a family for your infant.
  2. Emotions: Help with naming their emotions. 
  3. Feeling Safe: ideas for play 
  4. Simple ways to calm down: Breathe, count and relax 

Dealing as a family with a parent in the army

The ZERO TO THREE Military Family Projects team cover a lot of subjects, especially for families with a parent who takes part in the army. Zero to Three works to increase awareness and collaboration throughout the military community so that parents and professionals can care for very young children and their families more effectively.
Relevant topics are: behavior of children, staying in contact while employed, how to reconnect after separation, selfcare as a military family. 

Check the following: 

  1. App Babies on the Homefront provides military and veteran parents ideas for enhancing everyday moments with their baby or toddler. Parents will find lots of material to add to their toolbox of strategies.
  2. Videos about how to connect in difficult separation situations
  3. How to deal with stress and difficult behavior

Talking with your little one about war

Psychotherapist Philippa Perry explains how to talk to your child about war. ‘It is natural to want our children to be happy all the time, but we compromise their capacity for happiness when we try to shut down feelings that we might see as undesirable, such as being panicked or worried.’

Read more: Be open, be honest and listen: how to talk to children about Ukraine

Online Help for delivery in difficult unexpected situations

Are you pregnant in Ukraine? Do you need online help? Do you have questions, or do you want to video call with a midwife from The Netherlands?

In Partu connects online midwives to pregnant women in Ukraine via inpartu.nl. 

You can make a free account on the largest community for midwives in The Netherlands and your questions directly! InPartu supports you around the world, when there is no other medical assistence. 

Infant Feeding During Disasters

This Infographic highlights the benefits of breastfeeding, why it’s important to continue doing so during a disaster, barriers to breastfeeding during disasters and how first responders can help. With some help breastfeeding can be started again.

Bottle feeding needs more supplies in urgent situations. If this is the case for you and your bottle fed baby, you can  prepare for the best outcome with this information on bottle feeding. 

Free comprehensible explanation about what matters most for young children

The 1-2-3 Care Toolkit is intended to support caregivers on their journey towards trauma sensitivity. It is organized by topic, each offering a brief overview, specific tools that can be used with children, and where to find more information. Also included are handouts that can be used as teaching aids.

A Trauma-Sensitive Toolkit for Caregivers of Children from the SRHD

What can be done at preschool to help a traumatized child?

This free manual provides school administrators, teachers, staff, and concerned parents with basic information about working with traumatized children in the school system. In the Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators a special section is provided for preschool children. 

Parent – child relationship as important resource for children’s well being

A circle is a perfect way of visualizing the relationship between a parent (and other caregivers) and a child. These visuals help in different languages to explain your importance as a safe haven and a secure basis to explore from and return back to. 

Check the Circle of Security International for more animations, explanations and different languages: Circles of Security.

Do you want to help with translation in a particular language? Contact us via vroeg@dgcommunicatie.nl to join. 

Babywearing in times of disaster: use your wrap as a multitool

A carrier or wrap can be much of help: it provides practical support. You have your arms free for siblings, luggage (for example when receiving supplies) or use it as a curtain. It provides emotional comfort as well: it keeps warm, soothes and brings up your oxytocin levels. Read here: How to utilize wraps and carriers in case of a disaster. You can even wear a child in a towel, a shirt of sweatpants. Here’s the place to find information about next level babywearing

Kangaroo care for your premature born baby

KMC is a proven and safe procedure to save your premature baby’s life. Babies die less, breastfeeding rates go up, hospital stays are shorter and infection goes down.

Vakblad Vroeg is er voor professionals die werken in de geboortezorg en met kinderen tot zeven jaar en hun ouders. Een abonnement kost slechts €28,- per jaar.

Ontdek ons VROEG-magazine

Vakblad Vroeg is er voor professionals die werken in de geboortezorg en met kinderen tot zeven jaar en hun ouders. Sleutelwoorden zijn preventie, vroegtijdige onderkenning en vroeghulp. Ons kwartaalmagazine biedt achtergrond en verdieping. Een abonnement kost slechts € 28,- per jaar.

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Op de hoogte blijven van alle ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de geboortezorg en de zorg rond het jonge kind en zijn ouders? Schrijf je dan in voor onze wekelijkse nieuwsbrief. Deze verschijnt iedere dinsdagochtend.

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