Floortime is a highly effective intervention approach for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disorders. Now there’s a step-by-step guide for parents to LEARN and professionals to TEACH the DIRFloortime® model of helping young people with social, emotional, and cognitive challenges.
This guide takes the research-supported developmental approach to treatment and breaks it down into a curriculum of simple, sequenced strategies you can use right away to support the social and cognitive development of children and teens. Quick instructions and examples for each method are laid out for easy viewing in the midst of a play session. Certified DIRFloortime experts explain the theoretical background and the basics of how to play and interact with children in ways that motivate them, make the most of their natural interests, and help them develop critical new social, emotional, and intellectual capacities. Whether you’re a professional or parent, this practical, ready-to-use Floortime guide is an essential addition to your intervention toolkit.
Each DIRFloortime strategy comes with a clear description and enlightening examples of how to apply it in a variety of real-life scenarios. The appendix walks you through 11 effective strategies for helping children and adolescents reduce challenging behaviors.
Floortime Strategies to Promote Development in Children and Teens
Andrea Davis Lahela Isaacson
Brookes Publishing Co
Floortime Strategies to Promote Development in Children and Teens
€ 36,18
Vakblad Vroeg is er voor professionals die werken in de geboortezorg en met kinderen tot zeven jaar en hun ouders. Een abonnement kost slechts €28,- per jaar.
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