The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have caused enormous havoc. In addition to all the suffering, many thousands of families with young children suffer from trauma-related complaints. IMH Nederland and Vakblad Vroeg organize the free webinar Trauma Informed Care on Tuesday evening April 25 for care providers who are in contact with these families. Not only in Turkey and Syria but also in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The webinar provides professionals with information about what to expect when dealing with these families. The speakers will discuss the consequences of trauma, stress and PTSD for pregnant women, babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Plus what can be done about it. Support for parents is also discussed.

Topics & Presenters

Survival after a earthquake – Resilience with young children and their families
Naomi Vandamme – Healthcare psychologist child, founder Veerkracht Expertise Centrum

Mindful with your baby in stressful situations
Daphne Wind- Mindfulness Trainer, Medical Anthropologist


Talking the Truth to young children about difficult topics
Paulien Kuipers – Health psychologist

Foster care and supervision of families who take care of young children who are traumatized by the earthquake
Dialla Mohamad Ali – Child protector / Foster Care at NIDOS and
Catelijne Sillevis – Health psychologist at NIDOS

The webinar will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation into Turkish and Arabic.
The recordings will be shared on the webpages of IMH Netherlands and Vakblad VROEG afterwards, with possibility for subtitles in Dutch, Arabic, Turkish and English.

Date & time

Tuesday April 25th 2023 | 20.30-22.30 EET; 19.30-21.30 CET (GMT +2)

Vakblad Vroeg is er voor professionals die werken in de geboortezorg en met kinderen tot zeven jaar en hun ouders. Een abonnement kost slechts €28,- per jaar.

Ontdek ons VROEG-magazine

Vakblad Vroeg is er voor professionals die werken in de geboortezorg en met kinderen tot zeven jaar en hun ouders. Sleutelwoorden zijn preventie, vroegtijdige onderkenning en vroeghulp. Ons kwartaalmagazine biedt achtergrond en verdieping. Een abonnement kost slechts € 28,- per jaar.

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Op de hoogte blijven van alle ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de geboortezorg en de zorg rond het jonge kind en zijn ouders? Schrijf je dan in voor onze wekelijkse nieuwsbrief. Deze verschijnt iedere dinsdagochtend.

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