‘Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health’ is a groundbreaking book that provides an overview of the field from both theoretical and clinical viewpoints. The editors and chapter authors – some of the field’s foremost researchers and teachers – describe from their diverse perspectives key concepts fundamental to infant-parent and early childhood mental health work.
The complexity of this emerging field demands an interdisciplinary approach. The book provides a clear, comprehensive and coherent text with an abundance of clinical applications to increase understanding and help the reader to integrate the concepts into clinical practice.
The volume editors and authors are passionate about the pressing need for further research and the acquisition and application of new knowledge to support the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Core Concepts and Clinical Practice should find a receptive audience for this critically important message.
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Redactie: Kristie Brandt Bruce D. Perry Stephen Seligman Ed Tronick
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
€ 79,99
Vakblad Vroeg is er voor professionals die werken in de geboortezorg en met kinderen tot zeven jaar en hun ouders. Een abonnement kost slechts €28,- per jaar.
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